
Шлифовально-полировальный робот Qpol 250 BOT

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The compact fully automatic grinding and polishing robot Qpol 250 BOT combines the complete grinding and polishing process, including ultrasonic cleaning in one machine. 16x disc changer, 6x dosing unit and an integrable sedimentation tank fits perfectly into the System lab.

Intuitive user interface via touch screen and a user friendly fixation system for central force sample holder enable preparation results in shortest time. All parameters can be adjusted during the automatic process.

The benefits of automation with the Qpol 250 BOT:

  • Automated Processes: Grinding, polishing, and cleaning are fully automated.
  • Flexible Media Selection: Choose customized media tailored to your specific needs.
  • High Reproducibility: Ensure consistent results through reliable processes.
Видео о приборе
Cleaning station

Cleaning station

The cleaning station enables a fully automatic multi-step cleaning of the sample with water, air and alcohol. Cleaning times and steps are completely adjustable as needed. The ultrasonic cleaning station provides intermediate or final cleaning.

Settling tank

Settling tank

The insertible settling tank is invisibly integrated into the cabinet with all its connections (option).

  • 2-chamber PVC tank 45 liter
  • mobile, with insertion mechanism for System Lab cabinets

Disc changer

Disc changer

The storage elevator contains up to 16 different grinding discs, such as SiC paper or Galaxy discs. During cleaning the sample, the foil changer replaces the grinding media and fixes it with the Vacu- Jet system automatically.

Dosing unit

Dosing unit

Dosing and bottles depot are easily accessible and clearly arranged in the cabinet. Optional level monitoring and magnetic stirrer.

Этот прибор идеально подходит для геологии и минералогии.

Perfect grinding and polishing – Consumables by QATM

Grinding and polishing is more reliable, safe and efficient when processed with the right ingredients: knowledge, care and the right choice of consumables and instruments.

Рабочие дискиø 250 мм
Мощность привода (шлифовальный круг)1,1 кВт S3/40%
Sample holder-Ø160 мм
Мощность привода полировальной головы0,17 кВт S1
Скорость (голова)30 - 150 об/мин
Скорость (шлифовка)50 - 600 об/мин
Измерения порядка (точность отображения) 0,1 мм
Подключение воды 1x шланг подачи воды R ½ "макс. 6 бар
Сток воды1x слив воды DN50
Подключение сжатого воздуха6 бар, NG8 соединение
Габариты ШхВхГл1320 x 1500 x 800 мм

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